A documentary focusing on Melania Trump, directed by Brett Ratner, is set to be released on Prime Video, as confirmed by an Amazon spokesperson. The company has licensed the project for both theatrical and streaming distribution, promising viewers an “unprecedented behind-the-scenes look” at President Trump. Filming is expected to commence in December, following Donald Trump’s recent election victory, with plans for a release in the latter half of the following year.
Fernando Sulitin serves as an executive producer alongside Melania Trump at New Element Media. Amazon representatives have stated that more details about the documentary will be shared as filming progresses. They express excitement about presenting this distinctive story to their global audience.
Amazon’s collaboration with Trump’s documentary aligns with its founder Jeff Bezos’s previous support for the former president, who acknowledged Trump’s political comeback after his election win. Notably, Bezos, who owns the Washington Post, faced criticism for the publication’s decision to withhold support for Trump during the recent campaign, highlighting tensions within the media.
Melania Trump, originally from Slovenia, served as the First Lady from 2017 to 2021. Known for her advocacy on child welfare and initiatives like “Be Best,” she has had a varied career, starting as a model in her teens before settling in the United States.
The documentary has garnered attention not only for its subject matter but also for Ratner’s involvement. The director, known for his work on the Rush Hour films, has been largely absent from major projects since facing allegations of sexual misconduct in 2017. His last directorial role was in a 2015 episode of a National Geographic documentary series.
This documentary announcement was first reported by Fox News.