In A24’s latest film “Babygirl,” an erotic workplace thriller, Nicole Kidman and Harris Dickinson portray characters engaged in a provocative and turbulent affair. Kidman plays Romy, a high-profile CEO whose relationship with a much younger intern, Samuel (played by Dickinson), threatens to derail her career.
The film, which is currently in theaters, features explicit sex scenes that director Halina Raine attributes to the involvement of intimacy coordinator Lizzie Talbot. Raine emphasized that having an intimacy coordinator allows for more daring and creatively shot scenes while ensuring the safety and comfort of the actors involved. She expressed her disagreement with the outdated notion that actors can or should perform such scenes without professional guidance, citing the importance of safety for everyone on set.
Kidman’s approach to the project includes a willingness to explore bold themes in a trusted environment. She remarked on the liberating experience of delving into challenging narratives while stressing that her director prioritized the comfort of the cast: “Nothing in this movie is going to make you uncomfortable. You’re going to be okay.”
The conversation around intimacy coordinators has gained traction in Hollywood, especially following remarks from actors like Mikey Madison, who chose not to utilize one for his performance in another film. This evolution continues to shape how intimate scenes are crafted in cinema, paving the way for more confident storytelling in the genre.